The Consumer Electronics Show, or CES, is the largest tech event in the world. Famed for revealing the hottest, newest and often weirdest technologies — see Toilet Paper Robot and vacuum shoes —CES boasts a selection of the most eye-catching and newsworthy innovations.
This year, attendees were surprised when legacy car brand Mercedes-Benz stole the show when they previewed their futuristic new model. Equipped with an AI assistant, an NFT gallery and CO2 emissions tracked by blockchain, we can see why. The batmobile-esque vehicle draws in some of the biggest tech trends of the last decade web3, AI and green techology.
NFT collectors and fans were most excited about the changes to the onboard entertainment systems. Undertaking a complete overhaul, Mercedes will enable users to display their NFTs on the vehicle’s dashboard.
Customers can also showcase their own NFTs alongside the Mercedes NXT icons, which feature on the Ethereum Blockchain. Long-time web3 supporter and collaborator,, is also working with Mercedes to revolutionise the vehicle’s sound system. The ‘MBUX Sound Drive’ will see music “react to the way the car is being driven”.
Mercedes-Benz has long explored how blockchain can be used to source materials. Now, the company is turning its attention to CO2 emission tracking and reporting — a milestone for the vehicular and crypto community alike.